I haven't been active on Neopets for a long time, but I still have a lot of nostalgia for it. My account, superfunbunny, was created on January 3, 2006 - when I was 10 years old! This is my little tribute page to the old site and my pets.
It looks really mean but the Cobrall is a great companion for any Neopet. It can spit Negg juice up to 30 feet.
Slithers the Cobrall

Birthday: 27th May 2006 (Y8)
Level: 9
Gender: Female
Height: 69 cms
Weight: 126 lbs
My second pet and Griffadoren's fun-loving younger sister. As a kid, my dream color for her was Tyrannian. I wasn't able to do it then, but when I briefly played again as a teen I was able to get a paintbrush for her. In my head, though, she'll always be the blue Lupe I raised.

It looks really mean but the Cobrall is a great companion for any Neopet. It can spit Negg juice up to 30 feet.
Slithers the Cobrall
Birthday: June 1, 2006


r101 (special)
The Popblew is a strange insect like creature that eats almost anything! It loves children, too!
Bighead the Popblew

Birthday: 13th January 2006 (Y8)
Level: 10
Gender: Male
Height: 165 cms
Weight: 129 lbs
My first pet, and Delananay's responsible older brother. I had wanted to get an island paintbrush for him, but now I think he looks best the way he is.

r101 (special)
The Popblew is a strange insect like creature that eats almost anything! It loves children, too!
Bighead the Popblew
Birthday: May 31, 2006

Mouse over items for descriptions!
Favorite Petpets

Desert Petpet
A Wadjet loves nothing better than to curl around your Neopets neck... sometimes it can be mistaken easily for a necklace.

r95 (ultra rare)
Tyrannian Petpet
The Magtile is a cross between a Neo Maggot and a Reptillior Snake. Beware, they love blood.

r80 (uncommon)
Aquatic Petpet
Ghoti are beautiful, delicate creatures that need lots of care and attention.

r82 (uncommon)
Geraptiku Petpet
A brightly coloured, inquisitive Petpet for your Neopet to look after.

r86 (rare)
Aquatic Petpet
It may not be the best looking Petpet out there, but it is very easy to look after.

Tyrannian Petpet
Gruslens may appear to be cute and harmless but if you anger them you could be in for a visit to the Neopian Hospital.

r85 (rare)
Aquatic Petpet
Searex are the water going cousins of Airax. They can breathe out of water as well.

r90 (very rare)
Tyrannian Petpet
The Reptillior is venomous and you do NOT want to fool around with this pet. You really have to be well trained if you want to own one of these wild Reptilliors.

Babaas are easily scared and will hide under your Neopets bed when suprised.

r87 (rare)
A Noil is a fluffy, bouncy companion who will follow your Neopet where he or she goes.

r90 (very rare)
Tyrannian Petpet
This little guy just cant help biting everything he sees.

r85 (rare)
Robot Petpet
So called because of their mischievous nature.

r99 (super rare)
Wintery Petpet
This demanding little beast loves to collect shiny things and cries when you take them away from it.

r89 (rare)
Desert Petpet
Seti can bound across the open desert at remarkable speeds using their long slender legs.

r85 (rare)
Aquatic Petpet
A graceful, peace-loving aquatic Petpet that will happily swim around after your Neopet.

r180 (retired)
Spooky Petpet
This friendly creature sees all, however it probably wont know what to do with it.

r79 (uncommon)
Altadorian Petpet
This Petpet is quite intelligent, and often assists its owner with a variety of tasks such as Neomailing letters and fetching a plate of Altadorian cheese. What more could your Neopet want?

r101 (special)
This Petpet is made entirely from cardboard so its really easy to look after.

r80 (uncommon)
Tyrannian Petpet
Airaxs will perch on your Neopets arm all day. They love to zoom up into the air and swoop around.

r84 (uncommon)
Desert Petpet
Living under the sand, the Lyins likes burrowing for tasty treats. Its hard shell protects it from predators.

r98 (ultra rare)
Tyrannian Petpet
A fierce, wild Petpet that takes a lot of time and patience to tame.

r101 (special)
It looks really mean but the Cobrall is a great companion for any Neopet. It can spit Negg juice up to 30 feet.

r101 (special)
Tyrannian Petpet
This little guy just cant help biting everything he sees.

r101 (special)
Medieval Petpet
An energetic little fellow that loves to be the centre of attention. Watch out they can give you a nasty nip if you ignore them.

r85 (rare)
Aquatic Petpet
So named for its striking resemblance to a Blumaroo... uncanny isnt it!

r80 (uncommon)
Geraptiku Petpet
Tapiras live on the little bugs that crawl over the vines around Geraptiku.

r85 (rare)
Geraptiku Petpet
Their strange staring eyes actually glow in the dark... Isnt that weird!

r101 (special)
Spooky Petpet
This friendly creature sees all, and then slimes all over on it.

r86 (rare)
Medieval Petpet
Ukalies always appear mournful no matter what you do for them.

r92 (very rare)
Tyrannian Petpet
This unusual Petpet uses its strong claws to climb just about anything around it.

r93 (very rare)
Medieval Petpet
Ganuthor, when sleeping, are as still as statues, so it is no surprise they often get mistaken for them!

r83 (uncommon)
Aquatic Petpet
An easy to keep, loyal friend, Tanizards love to snuggle on Neopets shoulders as they walk around.

r95 (ultra rare)
Aquatic Petpet
Eelikas need to swim in cool water at least once a day, otherwise their skin can dry up and become sore.

r101 (special)
A Wuzzer is a cross between a Warf, and erm...something else!

r101 (special)
A Noilkeet is a fluffy, bouncy companion who just loves Deckball!

r101 (special)
Moltenores are cold to the touch because they are masters of containing their fierce heat within their bodies.

r101 (special)
Tyrannian Petpet
Gruslens may appear to be cute and harmless but if you anger them you could be in for a visit to the Neopian Hospital.

r101 (special)
Aquatic Petpet
Ghoti are beautiful, delicate creatures that need lots of care and attention.

r101 (special)
Aquatic Petpet
So named for its striking resemblance to a Blumaroo... uncanny isnt it!

r101 (special)
Tyrannian Petpet
Gruslens may appear to be cute and harmless but if you anger them you could be in for a visit to the Neopian Hospital.

r101 (special)
Medieval Petpet
Cyodrakes rank among the most powerful Petpets in the whole of Neopia, some are as strong as Neopets themselves.

r180 (retired)
Spooky Petpet
This friendly creature sees all, however it probably wont know what to do with it.

101 (special)
Medieval Petpet
An energetic little fellow that loves to be the centre of attention. Watch out they can give you a nasty nip if you ignore them.

r101 (special)
Geraptiku Petpet
A brightly coloured, inquisitive Petpet for your Neopet to look after.

r101 (special)
Tyrannian Petpet
Searex are the water going cousins of Airax. They can breathe out of water as well.

r101 (special)
This pretty puppy will fetch anything that is thrown for it. It eats almost anything! It loves children, too

r101 (special)
Babaas are easily scared and will hide under your Neopets bed when suprised.

r101 (special)
A Warf is a cross between a thingy, and erm...something else!

r101 (special)
Tyrannian Petpet
Uggatrips are happiest when they are tripping Neopets over!

r101 (special)
Aquatic Petpet
An easy to keep, loyal friend, Tanizards love to snuggle on Neopets shoulders as they walk around.

r101 (special)
Desert Petpet
Seti can bound across the open desert at remarkable speeds using their long slender legs.

r101 (special)
Robot Petpet
This little guy often makes a slurping type sound and may use its tentacles to grab on to things.

r180 (Retired)
Wintery Petpet
An adorable little bunny that just loves hopping through the snow. This was an Advent Calendar prize in year 4.

r98 (Ultra Rare)
Tyrannian Petpet
What could be more precious than a baby Mazzew? Nothing at all. They love green neggs and Cheese.

r99 (Super Rare)
Medieval Petpet
If he eats a lot, a Turmac can grow up to be big and strong.

r101 (special)
Medieval Petpet
The Krawk is a great pet to have. Your Neopet can train it to fight and some Krawk have been known to be as strong as full grown Neopets.

r99 (Super Rare)
Fanciful Fauna
The Quilin is thought to be the most prized Petpet in Shenkuu and is thought to have many magical powers.

r101 (special)
This friendly creature sees all, and then slimes all over on it.

r89 (Rare)
Faerie Petpet
Faellies are rather nervous little things, their over sensitive ears always alert them of the slightest danger long before it arrives.

r88 (Rare)
Tyrannian Petpet
This little fella is very shy and doesnt like lots of light. It needs tons of attention so make sure your pet is ready for a pet of its own.

r101 (special)
Geraptiku Petpet
Tapiras live on the little bugs that crawl over the vines around Geraptiku.

r101 (special)
Aquatic Petpet
Peos are very pretty, but dont they know it. They are very demanding and have temper tantrums if they dont get what they want.

r101 (special)
This Petpet is made entirely from cardboard so its really easy to look after.

r101 (special)
Desert Petpet
Anubis is a friendly little fellow, who will try not to judge you in any way.

r101 (special)
Babaas are easily scared and will hide under your Neopets bed when suprised.

Altadorian Petpets
This Petpet is quite scared of loud noises, sudden movements, and anything that starts with the letter D. It needs a kind and loving Neopet to take care of it, but it will be quite loyal to its owner for ever and ever.

Aquatic Petpet
Catamara rise to the surface of the water if they smell their favourite food, Negg flakes!

r90 (Very Rare)
Tyrannian Petpet
The Bluna was first sighted under the ice caps of Tyrannia. They are very very cold pets and if you touch them you could get a bad case of Neopian frost bite.

r101 (special)
Erm... it looks like there was a problem with the Petpet Lab Ray. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y10.

r95 (Ultra Rare)
Aquatic Petpet
These curious little rascals love exploring and playing. They are great for pets that enjoy diving.

r101 (special)
This Petpet is made entirely from cardboard so its really easy to look after.

r94 (Very Rare)
Aquatic Petpet
These delicate little beauties require a lot of care to keep their scales in tip top condition.

Favorite Neopets

My Plushies

A cute little Lupe doll for your pet to play with.

A fishy play mate for your pet:)

r77 (uncommon)
Squeeze this Red Tuskaninny plushie and it squeaks, how cute!

r94 (very rare)
Being one of the most popular pets in the game, this Scorchio doll is more expensive than the other plushies. This one is super-rare!

Aww, a cute little cybunny Neopet plushie! The green ones arent waterproof, so dont get them wet!

r75 (uncommon)
Those adorable wings and big button eyes, you just have to take it home with you :)

Aww isnt this cute, an ickle Gelert plushie...

r107 (MEGA RARE)
Another evil plushie from the deserted fairground!

This red Lupe will be a loyal playmate for your pet.

This blue Aisha will make a great toy for your pet, or look splendid in any plushie collection.

r92 (very rare)
This plushie is perfect for Peophin and Darigan fans!

r180 (retired)
Aww she looks so seasonal. This was a prize given out by the advent calendar in year 6.

r80 (uncommon)
This adorable plushie would look great sitting in your collection.

r88 (rare)
The perfect addition to any plushie collection.

r80 (uncommon)
If you cant get hold of the real thing, at least you can have this cute plushie.

r86 (rare)
Any pet that loves being outside will love this plushie!

r180 (retired)
Tonu are known to be heavy sleepers. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y8.

r87 (rare)
Yar matey, I be a pirate!

r80 (uncommon)
How can you resist this adorable little Scorchio plushie?

r101 (special)
Awww.... what an adorable little plushie.

r84 (uncommon)
Dont leave this plushie on the floor when you go to bed; you are likely to trip over it in the dark.

r81 (uncommon)
A lovely plushie to add to any collection.

r101 (special)
This plushie doesnt really exist!

r101 (special)
When you pull the cord in its back it says ... Ohohoho, Happy Holidays. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Y12.

My Items

r180 (retired)
Battle Magic
At least give your opponent a pretty show before you knock them out of the Battledome!

Battle Magic
The trumpet of deafening requires skill to be effective. Once used the opponent is deaf for the rest of the round and receives up to 4 points of damage from the trumpet blast.

Battle Magic
Power up and grow 20 times your size!

Island Merchandise
Not your ordinary rock. These volcanic rocks come from the sacred volcano. The natives believe that the volcano is the source of all life on the island.

r82 (uncommon)
Ice Crystal
It looks really mean, are you sure you should let it out?.

r180 (retired)
This plastic keyring features one of the many cute Neopets on offer. Try and collect the set!

r104 (special)
Tyrannian Food
This omelette has bits of sausage in it.

r101 (special)
This bronze coin is worth one Dubloon. Spend em on Krawk Island!!

r101 (special)
This special silver coin is worth ten dubloons. Spend em on Krawk Island!!

Desert Weapon
A golden Cobrall head adorns this vicious looking dagger.

A beautiful wide tooth comb that is great for getting rid of those unpleasant tangles.

r101 (special)
Take this magical Paint Brush to the Petpet Puddle and something special may happen to your Petpet!

r85 (rare)
Master Vex is a prison warden who is incredibly bored. Lord Darigan has entrusted him to keep his dungeons safe and secure.

r101 (special)
Island Merchandise
Wow! Rainbow sand... I thought this was only a legend...

r101 (special)
Island Merchandise
Oops, this bottle looks more like a squashed flower!

r101 (special)
How does that even exist?

r101 (special)
Goes great with butterfish.

r101 (special)
What was this doing underwater??

r101 (special)
Eating this can cause... unpleasant side effects.

r89 (rare)
Petpet Supplies
This cosy bed even comes with a little toy to amuse your Petpet as they fall asleep.

r85 (rare)
When Captain Scarblade called for reinforcements, pirates of all shapes and sizes poured from the deck.

r89 (rare)
When you wind this Blumaroo toy up its tail swings and it walks along the floor!

Marked cards make magic easy!

r180 (retired)
Wheee! Your Neopet will have lots of fun with this new toy. This was given out by the Advent Calendar in Year 7.
★ Starry ★

r180 (retired)
Spooky Petpet
This friendly creature sees all, however it probably wont know what to do with it.

r150 (humming)(RARITY 150)
Give your pet a mystical coat of paint with this rare item! Go to the Rainbow Pool (via the shops menu) to use this brush.

r101 (special)
Faerie Petpet
Faellies are rather nervous little things, their over sensitive ears always alert them of the slightest danger long before it arrives.

r88 (rare)
This Hissi plushie is just adorable, how can you resist it?

r98 (ultra rare)
No... it cant be... this plushie just winked at you!

r105 (MEGA RARE)
One of the rarest Blumaroo Neopet Plushies around! I would try and keep this one safe from the Pant Devil at all costs!

r94 (very rare)
Being one of the most popular pets in the game, this Scorchio doll is more expensive than the other plushies.

r99 (super rare)
Magic Item
When your Neopet drinks this potion it will transform into a dazzling starry Eyrie.

r95 (ultra rare)
This Buzz plushie is just adorable, how can you resist it?

If you want to see stars in the sky both day and night this is the perfect kite for you.

r99 (super rare)
A soft and cuddly Draik plushie - how adorable!

r101 (special)
The only stars found at the bottom of the sea.

🌈 Rainbow 🌈

r101 (special)
Tyrannian Petpet
Gruslens may appear to be cute and harmless but if you anger them you could be in for a visit to the Neopian Hospital.

r101 (special)
Angelpi are sweet adorable little kitties for your Neopet to look after.

r150 (humming)(RARITY 150)
For a psychadelic pet, take this brush to the Rainbow Pool.

Even cuter than the standard Aisha doll this one purrs when you stroke it:)

r101 (special)
Tyrannian Petpet
This unusual Petpet uses its strong claws to climb just about anything around it.

r95 (ultra rare)
Being one of the most popular pets in the game, this Scorchio doll is more expensive than the other plushies. This one is super-duper-rare!

r101 (special)
Desert Petpet
A Wadjet loves nothing better than to curl around your Neopets neck... sometimes it can be mistaken easily for a necklace.

r89 (rare)
Wow, a super cool Rainbow Gelert plushie, just what I always wanted!

r101 (special)
Wintery Petpet
This demanding little beast loves to collect shiny things and cries when you take them away from it.

r101 (special)
Faerie Petpet
Faellies are rather nervous little things, their over sensitive ears always alert them of the slightest danger long before it arrives.

r99 (super rare)
Magic Item
If you always wanted a rainbow Chomby, give this bubbling brew to your Neopet and your dream will come true.

r83 (uncommon)
Why have one colour when you can have all of them?

superfunbunny's Neohome: 190561 Training Square, Mystery Island

Ground Floor

My Secret Avatars