This directory serves to catalogue important documentation related to New Lambda Research Facility's origin and purpose. Select an option below to begin browsing available files. Please note that these documents are external to New Lambda.
New Lambda extends its thanks to sourcengine and jordan tigerdrop for providing many of these sources.

Combine OverWiki The Cutting Room Floor Planet Half-Life Old Sierra Studios Website Valve Games Magazines Collection Half-Life 0.52 Alpha Half-Life Texture Source Photos Half-Life Dreamcast Half-Life Dreamcast (Older Build) Valve Developer Union Half-Life Uplink Half-Life Addons(unofficial disc that was distributed illegally in 2000)
Port Sniffer for Half-Life 2003 Beta(unpatched and unmodded)
Facepunch Leak(zip file)
Half-Life 2 Beta Source Code(file is hl2_src.rar)
Half-Life 2 WC Mappack Half-Life 2 Custom Levels Source Engine Source Code 2007 Half-Life Alyx Deleted Strings(7z file)
Half-Life Timeline v0.5 The Half-Life Model Reference Resource Using Valve Hammer Editor to Create Worlds for Half-Life Tabletop Conversions for Source Games Half-Life: 25th Anniversary UpdateVideos
A video series focusing on interesting details in Half-Life. Some of my favorites are:
32. Scientist Fear
42. Sense of Smell AI
58. Houndeye Curiosity
63. Houndeye Nap Time Behavior
68. How to Feed a Bullsquid
(a guy who is very mad that half life 2 is not The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion)
Half-Life Sega Dreamcast Preview designdetector - Half-Life 2 Bad, vile and meaningless: Half Life 2WARNING: Straight Male Gamer Disease - Half-Life: Alyx ReviewReview of HLA by someone who has never played Half-Life